Sunday, July 30, 2006


When I got up this morning the first thing that I did was have worship. Yesterday was an awesome day, which consisted of laying in a hammock, and eating to my heart's content. Now it's sunday and I am sitting here typing my blog. Well, today I learned that you can't always see just the good or bad in the people that you hang around with. In order to see the best in people you need to have Jesus Christ as the only one you can truly totally confide in. As I was cleaning my room, I got a whole bunch of feelings of lonliness that hit me and I was not sure what to do, so I called a friend on the phone to try and talk to her (hoping that this would solve my neediness). In the end I felt just as needy. It was not until I realized that the neediness I was feeling was not going to go away until I gave it to God and asked Him for help, that I asked Him. When I asked God to take it away, He did, and not only that, He helped the person I was talking to realize the same thing. There is a that my church puts up, and they change the message every week. It says: A truly happy person will enjoy the detours in life. I guess I need to look at people through Christ's eyes, as well as the events in my life. Well, that is about it for now.

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