Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sabbath is So Special

Do you know why I like the Sabbath so much? I like the Sabbath because it is a time when we can have one on one time with the Man Himself, Jesus Christ. Hey, if anyone is reading this, I would just like you to know that you have a Savior and constant friend who can help you through all of the difficulties that you are going through. As a pastor friend told me today: Just call out to God and He will get you out of your confusion. It takes a while to be able to recognize God's voice, but if you are willing, He is willing to teach you to listen. I praise His name for that. This morning I was having my devotions and at the end of my devotions I had a prayer where I was pouring out all my desires before God. At the end of the prayer I prayed for peace of mind no matter what way things went. As soon as I said "Amen" I hit my head on the top of the bunk bed as I went to lay back down. My head still throbbing, I asked God why this had happened. During the course of the day I was listening to a radio program called "Down Gilead Lane". The story was about a girl who was a missionary. To her it seemed that everything that could go wrong was going wrong. In the end though, she realized that God was merely helping her rely upon Him. Sometimes bad things in life happen, but it is no reason to give up on God. He never said it would be easy, but He did promise that He would be with us through the storm. Reader, you can know that today! You can know that He will be right next to you all the way. Just talk to Him right now and ask Him to be your friend, and He will. Life has sooo much more meaning when God is in it. That is why I love the Sabbath sooo much. I believe that the Sabbath is a time to worship God as the creator of the universe. Exodus 20:8,9 talks about that wonderful day. If you are contemplating whether or not to keep it, know for a fact that Jesus kept it, just read the Gospels to find out:)

Have a Happy Sabbath

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