Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Life Directions

Wow! When God says He wants to take us for an adventure, He isn't kidding. I'm really starting to like this adventure stuff to be totally honest. I think it builds character and makes us into deeper people. Today I learned about the importance of being transparent with people. A lot of times we as people try and hide our motives about why we do things and who we are. We are ashamed to admit to the mistakes that we have made, because we feel that we will somehow be so different that no one will like us. Yet Jesus encourages honesty! If you look at John 4 you will find the story of the woman at the well. Jesus tells her the truth about herself. So few people today want to be honest with themselves and who they are. They are rather content to live a certain way to gain favors from those around them, but this is not how Jesus lived. He was honest with those around Him, no matter what the cost, and I believe that is how God wants us to live today. We should be honest no matter what the cost. So.. what is the truth about you?.... Can you answer that question, or do you instead try and bury it deep within yourself, because it would be too hard to admit, because you know within yourself that you are trying to hide the truth, and don't want the consequences of admitting it.

Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

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