Sunday, August 7, 2011

Finding a Way

Yesterday was one of those Sabbaths that had it's high and low points. The day started out early, and when I say early, I mean very early. I woke up at 3:27 A.M. and started to prepare the Sabbath School Lesson and then went back to sleep. I guess the question about today that is the most important is: What has God shown me today. Well, that night as I sat in my apartment, there was a knock at the door and it was one of our Bible Study Contacts. She was just visiting, and since we did not know if she would have to work the next day, we went ahead and had the lesson. I was blessed as we went through it. The Lesson talked about the Bible, and how important it is to let the Bible speak for itself and how it was all about Jesus. As I thought about that, and continue to think about it, I'm begginning to wonder about a lot of things. The Bible gives a lot of difficult commands, and the question comes: how are we to keep them? Can we? Many would say: No, it's not possible, but is that what the Bible says? Indeed, with us alone it is impossible, but when we throw our problems onto Jesus, then the picture changes. Instead of it being all of our problems on top of us, they are now put squarely on the shoulders of the Master Himself. He bears our burdens, and makes the impossible come to reality. Jesus is the only way! In fact after the Sermon, Sabbath, I happened to open a beautiful little booklet that had a poem in it by Helen Parker. The words on it, touched my heart.
It said:

He knows our thoughts and
our words, our deeds
Each hour of the day.
He never fails to listen
As we kneel to Him and pray.

And Even when you often feel
Your Prayers are all in vain,
My friend, be still and listen -
You can hear Him call your name.

He will comfort you in trials,
Console you when you're blue;
You'll never walk alone thru life
He's always there for you.

However, instead of experiencing the joy that Jesus wanted me to hear, I listened to the doubts of the enemy, and was discouraged most of the day. As I sit here late tonight, it occurs to me that Jesus has been speaking to me. Sometimes I guess it just takes being still and quiet and reflecting to hear what He has to say. He spoke to me through the book, and through my pastor friend and wife. What a wonderful Savior I have, and so does anyone who wants Him! The verse that best fits this situation, is one that came to mind as I was typing this:

1 Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you."